Developing a performance edge with precise systems, and never cutting corners.

How it works.

  • I’m a strength and Conditioning coach with a number of years’ experience in team and individual sports, which has fuelled my passion for improving athletic performance. I’ve worked in elite senior and academy football environments, and I’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the most talented individuals in the UK, within Boxing and Athletics.

    With bespoke solutions for each individual, we work together and use testing, programme design and specific training to help athletes and teams develop the physical capacity required to excel to the best of their technical and tactical ability.

  • High-tech equipment and systems are used to analyse Strength, Speed and Fitness, and identify specific strength and weaknesses for each athlete.

    Athletes and coaches are provided with objective feedback on a regular basis, which helps us identify what we need to work on, in both the short and long term.

  • Improving performance doesn’t need to be complex, instead, basic things done really well, over and over again. Together, we use tried and tested methods honed by successful coaches, and basic scientific principles to help athletes and coaches take their performance to the next level.

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