Athletic training principles, applicable for everyone.

Access to nine different training sessions performed by elite athletes, every week.

How does it work?

Sharp Training Club is an online training community, designed to develop performance for team sports, strength and power athletes, gym enthusiasts and people who are short on time or lost for direction with their training. 

We believe that everyone should be training like an athlete. The aim of the programme is to develop general athletic qualities for sport and life, developing humans who can perform and are capable of anything.

Our programmes are simple, effective, and based on leading scientific literature and the practice of the worlds leading coaches. 

Each week, nine training sessions are posted into our Telegram group. These typically last from 20 - 60 minutes, and cover Strength and Power, Speed, Plyometrics and Conditioning. 

The sessions are sharp, fun, engaging and driven by intent. They are high intensity, low volume, high reward sessions, that will never leave you completely tired. Tired is the enemy of consistent training, which is required for long term athletic development.

You don’t have to do all of sessions, instead we recommend completing between 2 and 7 of the workouts each week, weighting your programme towards what you want to individually work on.

How are the sessions tiered and structured?

For each session, there is a beginner, intermediate and advanced version, with different variations of our key themes which form part of the Sharp Training System.

Beginner Sessions are best for:

  • Individuals who are proficient in their sport, but may be new to the gym

  • New or returning gym goers who want to become athletic again, but haven’t necessarily trained for a while

  • Athletes returning from injury, who may require a period of rehab to return to their sport.

Intermediate Sessions are best for:

  • Individuals who are confident in some key movements such as squats and deadlifts, but aren’t necessarily proficient or comfortable with things like olympic lifting variations.

  • Individuals who have completed a couple of months of the beginner sessions, and who are ready for a bigger challenge.

  • Experienced trainers who are proficient in most movements in the gym, but might have took a break from training.

Advanced Sessions are best for:

  • Individuals who are confident and proficient with most movements in the gym, and are looking to further develop their athleticism

  • Intermediate athletes who have completed a number of months on the intermediate sessions, and are ready for their next challenge. 

  • Athletes who feel they are “gym strong” but don’t necessarily see this transfer to the pitch, track, road or trail. 

How do I know what I need to work on?

You can complete our optional profiling assessment, which will recommend and highlight your relative strengths and weaknesses as a “hybrid athlete.” 

This consists of

  • Trap Bar Deadlift 1, 3 or 5RM

  • Standing Broad Jump

  • Standing Triple Jump

  • Flying 10m Sprint or Max Bike Sprint

  • 1, 3 or 5km Time Trial

Alternatively, weight your program towards the demands of your sport, training goal or lifestyle. If you don’t need conditioning, don’t do it.

The only thing we recommend is at least one strength session per week. The rest is up to you. We advise you to pick the sessions you enjoy, as you’ll find this easiest to consistently stick to.  

Alternatively, weight your programme towards the demands of your sport, training goal or lifestyle. If you don’t need conditioning, don’t do it.

The only thing we recommend is at least one strength session per week. The rest is up to you. We advise you to pick the sessions you enjoy, as you’ll find this easiest to consistently stick to.  


  • Of course. Take the sessions you feel are most appropriate for you, and leave the ones that are covered by your current training or other commitments. For example, if you’re a Rugby player who gets all of their speed and conditioning development at training already, then just go for the strength and plyometric sessions.

  • Post at scheduled times in to our training community discord chat, and be part of a motivated and encouraging group of like-minded individuals.

    Motivation Mondays - what are you working towards this week?

    Technique Tuesdays - are there any exercises you’d like feedback on? post them in to the group to receive some feedback from your community, including your coach.

    Feedback Fridays - how has training gone this week? how did you find the sessions?

  • As part of being in the training club, you’ll get access to our mobility and warm up guides, and we’ll post regular exclusive content in to the group around key themes which form part of the Sharp Training System. Examples are

    Exercise Tutorials and Technique breakdowns of intermediate and advanced lifts.

    Guides to rehab and reducing the risk of common sports injuries.

    Challenges and competitions, with high variety and competitiveness within the Sharp Training Club.

  • For just £4.99 per month, you’ll be part of our Training Club and will receive your PDF session plans at the start of every week. What’s more, you can cancel at any time, and pick up at a later date.

Still not sure?

We’ll offer a one-week trial so you can give the Training Club a go. If it’s not for you, feel free to cancel and you can enjoy your trial til the end of the week.